How-To: Organize yourself for success

It’s 6:30 in the morning, the alarm goes off and you stumble over things as you walk out of your bedroom. Getting ready each morning seems to take longer and you’re constantly looking for things you need. Your mind wanders, thinking about what you have to do next or where things are. School starts and you rush in as the bell rings. Your English teacher asks you to pull out an assignment. You forgot to do it over the weekend, panic sets in. Why did it take this turn?
High school students are expected to keep up with five to seven classes at a time while balancing life outside of

school. For some, this is a challenge, but it is not impossible. With the right tools and organizational strategies, you can set yourself up for success in high school.

Find your purpose


What is the point of getting organized? What is the goal? Ask yourself these questions before preparing to get organized. Remember the long term goals that you want to achieve and how organizing will help you take control of your life. Japanese bestselling author and organizing expert, Marie Kondo, constantly reminds her clients that during their organizing journey they should always be doing things that “spark joy.” This friendly reminder helps people understand their purpose in the first place, resulting in a positive change.
Reduce Clutter
Make the area around you workable and enjoyable. Clear out the desk drawers and the old paper in your backpack. If you don’t have a use for old worksheets or broken mechanical pencils, recycle them. Before starting to truly organize yourself, remove part of the issue.

Start making lists
Get ahold of the nearest journal, agenda or calendar. Start by personalizing it, and then begin to write down things you need to do. Creating lists daily or weekly can create accountability which produces positive results not only in school but also in personal life.
Prioritize time effectively
Understand how much time is needed for certain activities or assignments and what kind of an atmosphere they require. Plan your day out ahead of time so you’re mentally prepared for what the day will bring.
Self care

Before being able to focus on other things properly or to their fullest potential, choose yourself first. Hydrate, read something, draw or paint. Focus on your sleep and hygiene, and then focus on your work. Give yourself a break and then decide to get things done.

Make this newly found system a habit. Start doing these things daily and incorporate them into your routine. This will create a new lifestyle all just by being organized. Professional organizer, Donna Smallin Kuper, decides to take control and encourages others to as well.
“Whatever you are struggling with, you have the power within you to change anything you want,” Kuper said.