In the second annual Spicy ones: Journal edition, we try the 4 hottest wing flavors from Buffalo Wild Wings. Our host Lauren Lowry, Promotions Manager, asks EIC Gretchen Turner, Managing Editor Ayslin Bowman and our Adviser Mike Klopfenstein some fun questions while they eat. And, near the end a special guest hops in, our camera man and Multimedia Editor, Natalie Walker.
Spicy ones
Second annual hot wing taste testing
Natalie Walker, Lauren Lowry, Gretchen Turner, Ayslin Bowman, and Mike Klopfenstein
April 10, 2024
About the Contributors

Natalie Walker, Videography Specialist
Nearly three years ago, on a fateful day in the spring of my freshman year I voted “Yes” on a Journal instagram poll about interest in making graphics. Three job titles, a podcast, and quite a few stories later, here we are. My name’s Natalie Walker, I’m a senior this year and I’m the videographer on staff. As my last year begins, I’m sad but also so optimistic for hopefully my best year yet. The Journal is my everything, but I also just love all things school. Aside from The Journal, I’m on the WRAL team, Speech and Debate team, The Daily Buzz, which is Homecroft Elementary School’s newspaper, Mini-Movers, Robotics and I’m the founder of Crochet Club. I love SHS more than anything on all of Earth, other than Kansas City. I have a “love affair with cities” according to Mr. K, and I won’t deny it. I love geography, especially the demographic side. I’m so hyped for this year and I am looking forward to all the wheezing laughs and family dinner questions to come.

Lauren Lowry, Promotions Manager
Hello, I’m Lauren Lowry! I am a senior this year, and it’s my second year on The Journal. This year, I am in charge of Promotions. Other than The Journal, I love listening to music, hanging out with my friends, drinking coffee and trying new coffee places. My music taste varies from each genre, but I would have to say my favorite artists are Taylor Swift, The Backseat Lovers and Gracie Abrams. I’m working on collecting each of their entire discographies with vinyls. Right now, I have six out of ten Taylor Swift albums, two of The Backseat Lovers, and one of Gracie Abrams vinyls. As for hanging out with my friends, we love getting ice cream, dinner or going shopping. Our go to ice cream place is definitely Mrs. Curls. Last but not least, I love coffee. My favorite kind of coffee would be a cold brew, especially if it’s from Starbucks. One of the best small coffee shops is called Fresh Pots and it is located on Main Street. One reason I love that place is because they have the pumpkin flavor around year round, unlike other places where it is only seasonal. Overall, I’m very excited to be on The Journal this year, and I can’t wait to see what opportunities it will bring me.

Gretchen Turner, Editor-in-Chief
Wow. Hey guys! For the third and final time on staff, my name is Gretchen. It’s almost crazy to think about it being my last year because yesterday I was just a little freshman in Intro to Journalism soaking in each word that Mr. K said to me and worshiping each new issue that The Journal came out with. I still have all of them on my bookshelf. Now, coming back as a senior and the Editor-in-Chief of the publication that I’ve spent all of high school fangirling over is like a dream come true. I can’t wait to see what our staff accomplishes and to see all the memories we make together. With that being said, I also do a bunch outside of school. I am a volunteer at the Indianapolis Zoo (with the dolphins specifically), and I’ve had so much fun the past couple summers. I also am a volleyball referee during the winters. More recently, I started working at Starbucks. As busy as I sound, I make sure I’m home at least a little bit so I can spend time with my family, dogs and boyfriend. This year is going to be full of new experiences, as does anyone’s senior year, but I can’t wait to see how we grow here on The Journal!

Ayslin Bowman, Print Managing Editor
I can’t believe I’m writing my third staff bio for The Journal, but at the same time, I can’t believe this is my last! It’s truly been a bittersweet journey on The Journal, but I’m excited to serve as Print Managing Editor for my senior year. And where are my manners? Hello, it’s Ayslin! Besides working on the paper, I am a member of Cardinal Cadre and Riley Dance Marathon, the Vice President of National Honors Society and a part of both the girls volleyball and lacrosse programs here. But outside of school, I love coffee, coffee and did I mention coffee? Well, seriously, I love coffee, music, films, nature, concerts, fashion, baking, photography and the list could go on and on! And I could never forget about my friends, family and my sweet cat. I love all of them so much! I hope all you readers will grow to enjoy The Journal as much as I do over the course of these next six issues (though I’m not sure that’s possible), and I cannot wait for this year! Being an editor last year was such an amazing experience, and I plan on keeping The Journal as one. But anyways, let’s slay this year!

Mike Klopfenstein, Adviser
Hi, my name is Mr. Klopfenstein, and I’ll be your adviser this year. Despite my dashing, youthful appearance, I’m currently enjoying my 29th year of teaching, the last 21 of which have been at SHS. I like teaching English here, but it’s Journalism teaching that I love, and advising the Journal -- well, I don’t think teaching gigs get much better than that. You may not recognize my face, but chances are you know my voice if you’ve been to an SHS football or boys’ basketball game because I do most of the public address announcing for those sports. I coached high school baseball for 24 years, but I gave it up several years back in order to spend more time with my twin sons, Lincoln and Nolan, who turn 8 in January (Yep, I was pretty late getting on that train.). My wife advises the newspaper and visual media at Lawrence North, so when we’re not sprinting frantically after a 7-year-old on the loose, we get to enjoy talking shop at home. I’m eager to see where this school year takes us. In the meantime, remember that good work sucks (when great work is possible) and never underestimate the power of a smile and a friendly greeting!