Spooky Snacks: Witch broomsticks

String cheese
Pretzel sticks

1. Cut each slice of the string cheese in half widthwise, not lengthwise.
2. With a knife, cut a small “x” shape on one side of the cheese.
3. From the opposite side of the string cheese, separate it into small sections to look like the bristles of a broom.
4. Carefully insert the pretzel into the “x” that you made earlier.
5. Tie a chive around the top of the cheese.
6. Enjoy!!

Howdy! My name is Astrid, and I am a junior. I’m the Lifestyle Editor and a Sports Writer. This is my first official year on The Journal, but I’ve...

Howdy! My name is Lucy Hiller, and I’m a senior this year (whoop whoop), so I’m savoring every last second I get at SHS. For my third year on The Journal,...