Spirit days for homecoming week

Monday:   Pajama Day-  The booster club chose for Monday to be pajama day, because it’s Monday.

“It’s frickin’ Monday, no one wants to come to school all dressed up,” Senior Zak Brite said. The booster club elaborates that it has been a tradition to have the Monday of every spirit week to be a pajama day.

Tuesday:   Grease Day-  The reason behind Grease Day is to support the theatre department and raise people’s awareness about the upcoming musical.

Wednesday:   College Day-  College Day was chosen one, to support the seniors who are starting to make their college decisions. Two, because it’s another Southport spirit week tradition. “Everyone loves wearing college stuff,” booster club officer said.

Thursday:   Favorite Movie Character Day-  Movie Character day was chosen because it’s funny and different from the rest of the days. People like to go all out and it’s different

Friday:   Red, White & Neon Night-  These colors were chosen for Friday because

“They are two of the most beautiful colors of all time,” booster club officer said. Neon was chosen to represent how the cardinals are going to “blow up on FC.”