Wakefield brings new tech music class to SHS
Wakefield prepares music and lighting in the booth before One Acts on January 12 at SHS.
January 17, 2017
For the past few years, SHS alumnus and instructional aide Cody Wakefield has been coming up with plans to teach a class that not many knew could be taught.
After approaching SHS principal Brian Knight about his ideas for the course, Wakefield eventually received the go ahead to put his plans into action, using his knowledge and enthusiasm for music and technology to teach a class all on his own.
“Music technology is something I’m really passionate about,” Wakefield said. “It’s really a new thing, and that’s something too that’s really exciting, just being on the forefront of new, up-and-coming things.”
Starting for the 2017-2018 school year, SHS will be offering a new music technology class taught by Wakefield. The class will be a first of its kind not only at SHS, but in the state as well.
The course will mainly focus on creating music through technology, with students using equipment such as computers and microphones to do so. Other topics will include learning about the production of modern music and marketing within the music industry.
During the class, Wakefield says he’ll start off by demonstrating how certain concepts work, and then allow students to experiment and try the ideas out on their own. After exchanging feedback, Wakefield will guide students in the direction they want to go.
“To start, students will come in each day to their lab station (where) they’ll have a microphone and a sampler, creating music on that,” Wakefield said. “We’ll look at examples to start, and then just try to mimic those.”
Next school year, Wakefield plans to get students creating music throughout the entire semester through projects. He also wants students to be able to collaborate with one another in class, letting them exchange ideas back and forth during the creative process.
“Hopefully they’ll (students) have a portfolio they can put together,” Wakefield said.
One student interested in the class is junior Zach Smith. He is currently involved in theater as an actor, but has now decided to branch out into different fields of study related to his interests.
Smith is interested in operating the equipment used in music production, as well as putting different musical creations together to form new material to be seen by others. He also cites the importance of gaining experience in multiple areas of his desired career field.
“(I want to) make myself marketable outside of high school and in the professional world,” Smith said.
Wakefield says he’d like to get as many students in the class as possible, as he wants to teach it all day. Whether or not he reaches this goal, he is happy to have found an opportunity to incorporate his interests into a cohesive class.
“My passion of music and that combination of it (technology) being married together really works out,” Wakefield said.