Lily Berggoetz , Reporter
Hello!! My name-Lily Berggoetz and I am a student life writer here at Southport High school. I am a senior at both Southport High School and Indiana school for the Deaf (yes, I go to two schools because I am cool like that). My day starts at 5 a.m. and ends at 5 p.m. With that being said, I am a HUGE fan of sleep. When I am not at school, I am either with my best friends, in bed watching Grey’s Anatomy, or any of those cheesy Disney TV shows on Netflix. I have a passion for italian food; Olive Garden fettunccine alfredo makes me cry. This year is my “Carpe Diem” year, but instead of seizing the moment I am going to seize the year! Basically, I am forcing myself to do things that freshman me would laugh at upon even mentioning. I am super excited to be writing for this amazing newspaper and cannot wait to see what we all accomplish. Now, if you would excuse me, it is 1 in the morning and I need some sleep. #nosleepgang