Skylar Greulich, Photographer
Hello, my name is Skylar! I will be one of the photographers for the Journal this year! This is my first year on The Journal, and I am so excited to be surrounded by all of these creative, smart and kind individuals. My grandfather owned a professional photography company for many years, so I look forward to expanding my knowledge on photography and making him proud. Outside of school, I dance competitively and I hope to incorporate photography into my dance training and make it into a career in the future! I have always viewed photography and dance as a universal nonverbal language so I think it would be interesting to see the two worlds collide into one art form. I also enjoy crocheting in my free time. I usually look up tutorials on Youtube and try to challenge myself with new projects. In my freetime, I enjoy long walks with my dog, cooking new recipes and listening to music. Recently, I have been listening to a lot of old school soul music and the blues. I always love listening to some Sam Cooke, Etta James or The Temptations. In school, along with The Journal, I am a part of the National Honors Society, Key Club and the track team. My goal is to become more active and participate more in school activities, so I can't wait to work with all of the amazing people in The Journal this year.